The only wrestling podcast ever @ethanmacncheese
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| @fox_ball_whoa

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Scramble Bunkhouse Deathcast XXII: Scramcast: The Match: The Podcast: The Upload

Who cares about pro wrestling? Not us!!! Ethan is here to introduce the boys to REAL combat sports with THE MATCH 2022. Join us as we delve into kickboxing politics, T...

Hold Tightly Onto That Feeling Until Your Palms Bleed

The Jom agenda is BACK. Jom is here to guide Ethan and Cake along the CAPTURE road, as the boys break down matches from both the start and end of the promotion. Is 202...

I Took The Town Less Funkied, And That Made All The Difference

It is officially our twentieth episode! Woooooohoooooooo!!!!! In this episode, we answer the most pressing, important questions from you, the audience. For this grand ...

The Shorter The Wick...

In what may be our most analytical episode in a while, Jom, Ethan, and Cake cover the all-too-short career of one of wrestling's great "what-if" scenarios, Megumi Fuji...

A Thumbtack in the Soul (feat. Tracy)

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